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Time for Books

Yesterday was their visit to Jambi Department for Library and Archives. We dropped the boy in front of the gate, gave him some kisses and hugs, and the mommy (finally) brought him to his teacher at the lobby. Well...the moment when our hand in hand is always precious ya know.

When I picked him up at 10, he did not tell me much about his activity in the library. He just informed that he found a book of Moses. Did he read it? No, he merely saw the pictures in every page and totally ignored the stories below it, but he confidently told the story of  the Moses and how the Pharaoh's chariots and his troops drowned in the Red Sea. I could imagine the way he acted as a storyteller. Did he sing the soundtrack of the tragedy? Could be. Hahaha...! Frankly, he becomes proficient imitating the song with the assistance of youtube. It is in Arabic. 

Anyway, it is a good idea to bring kindergarten students to visit public places, such as library, museum, airport, factory, zoo, farm, etc. They will learn much by seeing all the people who take part in those places and how the places run for public importance. This activity will stimulate their critical thinking skills through their questions concerning to the places they visit.

So, I do hope this visit will be a good beginning and the next visits will be more challenging for the students. I also would like to thank your lucky stars, the super-duper teachers, who patiently managed the kiddies. I don't know how this happened without you all there.  (ID)


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