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Showing posts from July, 2010


Am I addicted to these two things? Cappuccino and Sosro Jasmine Tea? Feel like that something missing before sipping those drinks. Just like now, 5 times already go to the kitchen and open my food cabinet, found that the container is empty. Not Happy!


Feel so lucky for having 4-month experience working together with researchers in Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. :D Not deeply involved to use high-tech Eye Tracking Equipment and others experiment stuff, but exciting enough to sit in front of an Apple in the 3rd floor to collect as many as stimuli which would be used for the experiment in guidance of a doctor and a researcher as well from Belgium. Reading journals regarding it. And I would never ever again think that it was a piece of cake in searching thousand pictures for the stimuli, so many steps to do in order to make it sufficient for becoming the final stimuli. How would you describe two or more different objects which semantically different but your brain was insisted to set and move those objects in 360 degrees just to find the best angle to make those things look similar. Yup! More challenging by learning using new software and meeting new smart friendly buddies, having a chat in coffee break, and laughing a

The Sick Rose

(William Blake) O ROSE, thou art sick! The invisible worm, That flies in the night, In the howling storm, Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy; And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy. (In a memory when classical poems brought to us at 2 pm within a week. And I still remember the day when she told us the story of the River Thames. How the river amazed her by its mirror-like water. And it has amazed me as well, how the poems have become one of the trigger to step my feet here, some miles from the River Thames, and a few miles from the River Maas.)

E-mail me, please.....! I am waiting...!

Have been staring the scene for more than 2 hours but nothing expected coming. Poor me! I am almost desperate. Already sweating. Dunno what to do. Even when I walked to the kitchen, just standing next to the basin and looking through the window. Then go back to my room...and more depressed when the inbox reminds the same. Heeeellllllpppp ppppppp........ ....!! She might be somewhere, I guess. It's zomer vakantie. Nobody wants to preclude the sunlight when the worst winter in 30 years had greyed the sky for almost 4 months. But what about US? I am totally in middle of nowhere. Does not she know? A reply from her is more than anything. NOW!

Chef Dian...(eksperimen tiada henti)

Apalagi yang dibuat Chef Dian untuk membuat kelabu hari ini menjadi lebih berwarna di dapur Willemsweg? ROTI KASUR...! Sejenis roti gembung tanpa isi yang disusun rapat di dalam laminarc ukuran sedang setelah diproses sedemikian rupa beberapa jam sebelumnya. Adonan tepung terigu dengan satu butir telur, pengembang, susu segar, gula, garam, dan sedikit mentega. Diovenkan kurang lebih satu jam dan ketika aroma sedapnya mulai masuk melalui celah-celah pintu kamar, kami pun bersiaga menyahuti panggilannya yang sangat merdu dari dapur. "Yuhuuuuu.......roti...rot i. Mumpung masih panas lho! Ayo...kesini semua..". Tak perlu dua atau tiga kali panggilan, kawan. Thesis, makalah and paper (kecuali pengajian online di kamar 28D) menjadi tak berarti. Serbu...!!! Indahnya dunia. Sungguh. Roti kasur hangat di atas meja, lengkap dengan selai kacang, strawberry, nenas, satu teko teh melati hangat, dan gelak tawa. roti bantal isi keju & ceres Ini roti ketiga yang dibua